Hire your next babysitter using SwishBoom, an Omaha-based start-up!
SwishBoom was created in Omaha in 2020 when Kellee Mikuls approached her software engineer brother-in-law Richard Tom with an app idea: to make finding a babysitter easier. With over 500 downloads in the first week, the app is used nationwide to help solve the "but I need a babysitter" problem so many parents face.
SwishBoom helps families schedule their trusted babysitters faster, removing the back and forth.
In SwishBoom, parents can build out their own trusted circle of babysitters in the app, adding family and friends to their village to build a personal network. Then, they can enter job details easily and plan ahead — all for free.
Parents can also book sitters using the app's Verified Sitter Network, allowing them to talk directly to references and use a tried-and-true Verification Process to find a sitter who's safe, capable, and reliable.
Are you a parent looking for the perfect book of babysitters? Download the SwishBoom app! It's available now on the App Store and the Google Play Store.
Thanks to SwishBoom for sponsoring this post.
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