30+ dog friendly businesses and places around the Omaha metro!
I think we can agree that exploring Omaha is more fun with a furry friend by your side. So, we’ve put together a list of over 30 places around the metro that are dog-friendly for you and your four-legged friends. Whether you're looking for a place to grab a bite to eat, shop, or simply explore new adventures, these dog-friendly spots are ready to welcome you and your fur babies with open arms!
Barchen Beer Garden patio // @barchen_beer
Hardy Coffee patios // @hardycoffeeco
Zen Coffee patio // @zencoffeeco
Pitch Pizzeria patio // @pitchpizzeria
Hook & Lime patio // @hookandlime
Brickway Brewing patio and beer garden // @drinkbrickway
Archetype Coffee patio // @archetyperoasters
Soaring Wings patio // @soaringwingswinery
Dundee Cork & Bottle patio // @corknbottleomaha
Goldbergs patio // @goldbergsdundee
La Buvette patio // @labuvetteomaha
O’Leaver’s patio // @oleavers
Corkscrew patio // @corkscrewwineandcheese
Scriptown patio // @scriptownbrewing
Coneflower creamery patio // @coneflowercreamery
Spin! Pizza patio // @spinpizza_omaha
The Bad Seed and Nodest // @badseed.coffeesupply & @nodesthomeplants
Sunnyside patio // @sunnysideomaha
Stir Coffee // @stircoffeebar
Geno's Bar and Grill // @genosbarandgrill
Blackstone Social // @blackstonesocial
Saro Cider // @sarocider
Moxy Hotel // @moxyomahadowntown
Wag N Wash // @wagnwashelkhorn
Memoir Patio // @memoiromaha
PetsEarth // @petsearth
Woof and Whiskers // @woofwhiskersomaha
Tracks Lounge // @tracksloungeomaha
These are places that aren’t typically dog-friendly but have occasional dog-friendly events!
Blue Sky // Pups on the Courts
Lauritzen Gardens // “Leashes at Laurtizen Gardens”: next dates are September 2nd, 9th & October 7th & 14th
Smash Park La Vista // Dog Social: next date is August 29th